Temple ring
Created time: 11th-12th centuries
Place of creation: Kirillov district, Vologda region.Burial ground Nefedievo IB, grave 46 (excavations of the Onega - Sukhona Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences in 1987, they were headed by N.A. Makarov) Material: Bronze
Archaeological Monument: Могильник Нефедьево IВ, погребение 46 (раскопки Онежско-Сухонской экспедиции ИА АН в 1987 году, руководитель Н.А. Макаров)
Matherial: Bronze
Technique: Casting
Proportions: 0,2×2,2×2,2 см
Origin, receipt: Handed over in 1989
инв.№ А–1108