Adults and children played Russian folk games from “Magic box” together with M.N. Travnikova showcasing their dexterity and mother wit.
They were especially interested in the master-class “She-goat of flax” delivered by L.G. Myakusheva. Kids and their parents made a flax doll and decorated it with multicoloured threads.
Besides, the participants of the event learnt a lot of interesting things about flax and its natural properties. Making the souvenir, they understood that it was very pleasant to work with this material, that it could be easily bent and woven and that it maintained the given shape.
The museum guests thanked the organizers for a wonderful program, great time they had in the museum, and a wealth of knowledge and skills that they acquired at the lessons.
Official name of the museum:
The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve”
In 1924
Museum status:
It was included into the State List of Particularly Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation in 1997.