“From uncial of Ancient Rus to cursive writing of Russia”

This event will be held on May 21 at 20:00 during the action “Night at the Museum”.

Participants of the master-class will study the evolution of the Russian script from the Old Russian uncial or ustav of the 11th century to the cursive writing of the 16th century and will make a greeting card.

Venue: administrative building

It will begin at 20:00

A ticket costs 50 rubles.

The number of participants in the master-class is limited!

The lesson will be conducted for a group consisting of not more than 15 people.

You can enroll by telephone: +7 (81757) 4-92-61.

Age 10+

Picture: The Charter of the Economy Board in the Belozersk district №14. The Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice. Source: Belyaev I.S. Practical Course of Study of Ancient Russian Cursive Writing for Reading of Manuscripts of the 15th-18th Centuries. M.: Synod Printing House, 1907. – Page 73.