Dionysiy Frescoes Museum

The Treasury Chamber


The Treasury Chamber

The Treasury Chamber

Address: Ferapontovo village, Kirillov district, Vologda region, Russia
Place: Dionysiy Frescoes Museum
Created time: 1530s
Matherial: Brick
Category: Architectural monuments

The oldest extant monument of civil architecture of the 16th century in the north of Russia was intended for storing funds and documents of the Ferapontov Monastery. The documents as well as the monastery inventories were kept here till the monastery’s closure. These documents and the monastery inventories were kept there until the closure of the monastery.

The architecture of this two-storey building with a gable roof is simple and monumental. Its massive walls and small window openings don’t have any trimming. Both floors are crowned with cylindrical vaults. Under the vault of the first floor, there is a chamber with a door leading to a staircase inside the wall. The stairs lead to a deep niche that served as a hiding place. There is a pantry with a small window and another cache in the western wall of the second floor above the inside staircase.